The USGA Rule 6-7 states in part: The player shall play without undue delay in accordance with any pace of play guidelines which may be laid down by The Committee and thereafter prescribes penalties for slow play. In order to prevent any such penalty, we suggest that you review carefully the following guidelines
Definition of “Out of Position” The first group to start will be considered out of position if, at any time during the round, the group is behind the prescribed schedule as detailed on the rules of play rule sheet.
Any subsequent group will be considered out of position if it is:
- Behind the prescribed schedule
- Reaches a par-3 hole that is open and free of play
- Reaches a par-4 or par-5 and all players have not made a stroke from the teeing ground before the hole is open and free of play
Group Out of Position: If a group or match is out of position, a marshal will monitor. The group or match will be notified when they are being timed
Timing: A group or match may be monitored or timed for compliance if they are deemed “Out of Position”. All players in the group or match will be expected to play a stroke within 40 seconds. The timing will begin when the player has had a reasonable opportunity to reach the ball, the players turn to play and the player can play without interference or distraction. Time spent walking forward or backward to determine yardages will count as part of the time for the next stroke.
On the putting green, timing will begin after a player has been allowed a reasonable amount of time to mark their ball, lift, clean, repair their ball mark or any ball mark in their path and loose impediments in their path. Anytime spent looking at the line from beyond the hole and/or behind the ball will count as part of their 40 seconds for their next stroke.
Penalties: The following are the Stroke and Match Play penalties, in sequence, for any players in a group out of position that take more than 40 seconds to play a stroke when it is their turn to play.
Stroke Play
One bad timing of more than 40 seconds – warning
A second bad timing – 1-stroke penalty
A third bad timing – Additional warning and a 2-stroke penalty
A fourth bad timing – Disqualification
Match Play
One bad timing of more than 40 seconds – warning
A second bad timing – Loss of hole
A third bad timing – Additional warning and loss of hole
A fourth bad timing – Disqualification
If a group or match regains its proper position, any previous timing of more than 40 seconds will be carried over for the remainder of the round or match in the event that the group or match requires additional monitoring.
Rulings or Other Incidents
If a ruling or some other legitimate delay occurs which causes the group in question to lose its position, that group is expected to regain its position within a reasonable time.
WSMGA Tournament Committee