The WSMGA Board of Directors are pleased to announce an updated Hole-In-One (HIO) Policy for WSMGA members.
The specifics of the Hole in One Policy are as follow:
- All WSMGA members in good standing will participate.
- To qualify the golfer must follow all the rules of golf when making the HIO.
- Only HIO’s made at Woodmont Golf Club qualify for the prize fund.
- The HIO must be witnessed by another player or staff member. To witness a HIO, the witness must have seen the actual shot being made and able to attest that the ball was on a path that could go into the hole and verify that the ball ended up in the hole. The witness must sign the scorecard attesting to the HIO and the card must be turned into the Pro Shop staff.
- The HIO must be recognized by the WGC, GSGA and USGA.
- During a WSMGA Shootouts – the HIO will be considered an extension of the “round”
- While playing the same nine the second time during a M/M or M/G event, the second nine will be considered a new “round”
- While playing a format that is not considered a postable “round” … IE Scrambles, Shambles, Alternate Shot
- Continuation of Match Play … match is tied after 18-holes or if players continue to play after one player closes the other player out … IE match is over on the 12th hole (end of “round”), players continue to play for score and a HIO is made on the 15th hole
- When a qualifying HIO is made; all WSMGA members will be charged $5.00 through their Woodmont account.
- These proceeds will be credited to the Woodmont account (credit book) of the golfer who made the HIO.
- A player may use his HIO credits as he sees fit. Credits may be used to purchase merchandise, pay for golf cart fees in the Pro Shop as well as food and beverages in the Club. The Club does not allow your credit book to be used toward dues or golf lessons.
This language was put in to avoid a golfer who is out hitting extra balls as practice, getting a HIO and claiming the prize. If the player does not complete a “round” as defined by the USGA the HIO would not count. In all other circumstances, the Tournament Committee will decide.
The USGA / GSGA – Definition of a “ROUND”:
“Round” is 18 holes or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee
When a “round” ends in a tie and play will go on until there is a winner:
Tied Match Extended One Hole at a Time. This is the continuation of the same round, not a new round
Play-off in Stroke Play. This is a new round
A player is playing his or her round from when it starts until it ends (see Rule 5.3), except while play is stopped under Rule 5.7a (weather related stoppage)
When a Rule refers to actions taken “during a round that does not include while play is stopped under Rule 5.7a unless the Rule says otherwise.
Revised September 5, 2024