The name of the organization shall be the Woodmont Senior Men’s Golf Association, Inc. (“WSMGA”). The WSMGA is a private organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia.
The object of this organization shall be to promote and enjoy the game of golf at Woodmont Golf and Country Club (the “Club”), and to promote participation in Club events on a non-profit basis. Additionally, the WSMGA shall promote better golf through proper course care, better understanding of the Rules of Golf, increased competition and greater camaraderie.
All WWSMGA-sponsored play shall be governed by local and United States Golf Association rules.
The WSMGA will function in cooperation with the Club, and the policies, rules and guidelines established by the Club. Events will be coordinated with the management of the Club as far in advance as possible.
The fiscal year shall be the first day of January through the last day of December.
The WSMGA Board will hold an annual meeting at the first and final events of the year and will hold additional meetings as necessary.
All candidates for membership shall complete an application. The minimum age for membership shall be fifty-five (55) years old and may join the year they turn 55.
The WSMGA will be financed by membership dues and, potentially, special events, as set by a Board of Directors (the “Board”). Dues are payable to the Treasurer on or before a date specified by the Board (usually before the first tournament of each year). Dues will be based on a reasonable Annual Budget which will be prepared by the Board. There will be NO proration of dues for members joining or leaving the membership during a fiscal year.
Section 1:
A member of the WSMGA must be a Golf Member in good standing with the Club, and one who has paid his annual membership dues to the WSMGA. A “Golf Member” is defined as a Club member who is allowed to play golf at Woodmont under a Golf Membership, said membership being defined by the Woodmont Golf and Country Club or on authorized Medical or Injury Leave. The WSMGA will determine the authenticity of such Medical or Injury Leave. If member is sick or injured and on activities membership status with the club, he can still participate in the social functions. However, participation in any golf activities requires an active GOLF membership.
Section 2:
A WSMGA member who becomes a member NOT in good standing with the Club shall have 30 days to correct whatever situation caused him to become so classified. If the member’s status is not corrected within that 30 day time frame, his WSMGA membership will be terminated automatically, regardless of his position in the WSMGA.
Section 3:
Members in good standing who continue to meet membership requirements are automatically entitled to membership for the ensuing year provided the annual membership dues are paid.
Section 4:
If any member’s conduct has, or will, endanger the good name, reputation or character of the WSMGA, said member will be expelled from the WSMGA. Prior to being expelled, the member will be notified by the Board of the circumstances and given the opportunity to address the Board, in person, within 5 days after being notified. The member shall be allowed to have a member in good standing appear on his behalf. No Board vote on the issue will be taken until completion of said 5 day period, after which a vote of 5 of the 7 Board members is required to expel the member.
Section 1:
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) shall consist of 7 members. The composition of the Board is as follows: President, Vice President (VP), Secretary and Treasurer; Membership, Tournament
Chairman and Social Chairman (At Large Directors).
Section 2:
The Board shall manage and control the affairs of the organization, approve the members thereof, and enforce the By-Laws of the WSMGA. Included, but not all encompassing, in the affairs of the WSMGA are the scheduling, conducting and overseeing of all WSMGA competitions, tournaments, leagues and special events, as well as any other occasions that will further the enjoyment of golf at Woodmont for the WSMGA membership as a whole.
Section 1:
An election of the members of the Board will be conducted prior to the final Annual Meeting and the New Board of directors will be announced at the Annual Membership Meeting.
Section 2:
The term of the board members shall be three (3) years of continuous service.
Section 3:
It is hoped that such circumstances will not take place, but should it become evident that a Board member continually neglects his Board responsibilities and/or appointed duties without valid reasons, as defined by the Board, or, a Board member’s conduct is deemed detrimental or unbecoming to the Board and/or the WSMGA in general, that Board member shall be removed from his office by the Board. Only after a favorable vote of at least 5 of the remaining Directors shall the Board remove said Director. The Board, at its discretion, will name a suitable replacement to fill the vacated position. That replacement will serve until the general membership can elect a permanent replacement to complete the unexpired term at the next annual meeting.
Section 4:
In the event a Board Member resigns in the middle of his term, the Board will act in accordance to the procedure outlined in Section 3 above.
Section 5:
The tenure of office in the Board positions are as follows: President - one (1) year; Vice President - one (1) year. The positions of Secretary, Treasurer and At-Large Directors, while serving their three (3) - year terms, may take on various roles including the position of Vice President. However, a Board Member should serve for one (1) full year before assuming the role of Vice President. Addtionally, the VP automatically assumes the one (1) year term of President (effectively giving the Board Member elected to the VP office a two (2) year term as an officer of the Corporation which provides stability and experience to the Board.
The Board shall meet every month, plus any special meetings called by any Board Member.
Specific rules of order shall be followed at each meeting. Minutes of each meeting will be kept in the WSMGA Secretary Book. There must be at least four (4) Board members present to have a valid Board meeting. Two of the four members in attendance must be Officers (i.e. President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer).
Section 1:
The President shall perform all duties as may be incidental to the office which include, but are not limited to: presiding at all meetings of the Board and General Membership; being responsible for completing an annual budget at the beginning of the year, and completing, with the Treasurer, a year ending financial report; submitting a year-end review of the events of the year, to include competition winners, etc.; being the point of contact with Management of the Club; and appointing various committees as deemed appropriate by, and with the oversight of, the Board. As a specific duty of the office, the President will, with direction from the Board, represent the WSMGA entity, as well as its members collectively, in any negotiations or situations where an official representation of the WSMGA is necessary and/or needed.
Section 2:
The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, in his absence. He will also perform any other duties as determined by the Board.
Section 3:
The Secretary will keep a record (minutes) of all meetings, which include meetings of the Board and the General Membership, of the WSMGA. In the Secretary’s absence, one of the Directors will be responsible for keeping the minutes of any meeting. Additionally, the Secretary will be responsible for posting said minutes on the WSMGA web-site. He will also perform any other duties as determined by the Board. The Secretary will be responsible for maintaining all of the permanent records of the WSMGA. These records include the official By-Laws of the WSMGA as well as all written policy and procedure documents as approved by the Board.
Section 4:
The Treasurer will be responsible for financial operations of the WSMGA. Included, but not all encompassing, in those duties are: maintaining appropriate financial documents; maintaining a checking account; making financial reports as directed by the Board, but in no case less than quarterly to General Membership; aiding the President in the preparation of the annual budget; receiving, and the subsequent reporting of, annual dues; paying any incurred billings as directed by the Board. He will also perform any other duties as determined by the Board.
Section 5:
The At-Large Directors serve at the direction of the Board. At least one At-Large member will be available to take minutes at any meeting if the Secretary is absent. They will also perform any other duties as determined by the Board.
Section 1:All sanctioned tournaments of the Woodmont Senior Men’s Golf Association will be played in accordance with the rules of golf as adopted by the USGA, with the exception of local rules.
Section 2:
All disputes will be decided by the Tournament Rules Committee; all questions in regards to the rules of golf will be monitored by the Woodmont Golf Professional.
Section 3:
All members of the Association must have a valid handicap as defined by the Tournament Rules Committee. Participation by guests in a competitive WSMGA sponsored tournament also requires that said guests have a valid handicap as defined by the Tournament Rules Committee.
Any WSMGA Member may make suggestions or complaints, propose alternatives to events or submit any other administrative or policy changes, in writing, to the Board for consideration. The Board will address the issue at the next Board Meeting (called or regularly scheduled) by reviewing the validity of the issue, properly vetting all sides of the issue and by implementing any action(s) called for in the decision, if any, accordingly. The member will be notified of any decision.
Section 1:
All proposed amendments and/or revisions to the By-Laws of the WSMGA will be voted on at a scheduled Board meeting and will require a two-thirds majority of the Board members to have any Bylaw changed, added, or deleted.
Section 2:
These Bylaws may be altered or amended by members submitting their written recommendations to the WSMGA Board, who will review the recommended changes and, if appropriate, the proposed amendment(s) will be sent to all registered WSMGA members.
Section 3:
All members must be notified of scheduled Board meetings where amendments to the Bylaws are being considered.
Section 1:
Election of the Board of Directors requires a vote of the membership. The Board, at its discretion, can request a vote of the General Membership on other items.
Section 2:
Any vote of the General Membership must involve a quorum, which has been defined as 25% of the membership. If, after 2 attempts, a quorum has not been achieved, the Board will be given authorization to resolve the issue.
Section 3:
Prior to any vote of the General Membership, a thirty (30) day notification period is required delineating the subject for which the vote will be taken. The Board will send individual emails and take whatever other action(s) deemed appropriate to notify the General Membership of the Date the vote is to be taken, the subject matter/reason for the vote and the approximate amount of time that will allocated for discussion during the meeting.